The Forest Experience
We are planning a project with a difference!
New Horizon plans to set up a forest experience for about twenty children living on the Lissywollen direct provision site in Athlone. This is to replace the original mother and toddler club which we are no longer able to run due to Covid-19 precautions.
These children are living in very difficult circumstances and have been affected badly by the lockdown. The idea is that one half day per week children and trained volunteers would go to the woods. There they could explore, have great adventures and make mud pies to their hearts content!
In early November we held the initial training session for volunteers, led by Eliya Lavine of Seed Scholars. Nine volunteers participated in the training.
We had a great day running around the woods, playing games and building shelters!
Next training day is planned for mid-January. If you would like to join this project as a volunteer please drop us an email.