Going – Going … Gone!
Our Gofundme page “Bring some Christmas Magic to Direct Provision” has now closed.
On behalf of New Horizon Refugee Support, and the residents of the direct provision centres with whom we work, I would like to thank you for your kind and generous support for our ‘Bring Some Christmas Magic to Direct Provision’ appeal.
The campaign, which raised an incredible €7,288.00, has enabled us to provide a Christmas present to each of the children living in the direct provisions centres with whom we work, and a hamper to each family and single adult.
The residents, who are all at various stages of Ireland’s international protection process, are touched by the generosity of people that they have, for the most part, never met.
As numerous state and non-governmental reports have demonstrated, life in direct provision is extremely difficult, especially for families and children. Your kindness has reminded this isolated, vulnerable and socially excluded group of people that they are part of our community and that we support them as they navigate their way through the often complex and burdensome international protection process.
In this strange and difficult year, you have been so generous and we thank you sincerely for your support.
Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful holiday.
The Trustees and Volunteers of New Horizon