New Horizon came into existence in 2000, just after the announcement that a direct provision site for Asylum Seekers was to be set up in Athlone.
We are a group of volunteers, of many different ages, religions and nationalities. In cooperation with other voluntary organisations and government bodies we do many things; translations and information provision, family tracing and social events, housing advice, English language training, cookery classes, social integration and much, much more.
It’s been our privilege and honour to have shared a little of the life of newcomers to our land; to have been among the first to recognise the riches that they bring here.
Never before in the history of Ireland has there been such an influx of peoples of various nationalities, races, religions and customs. It is
important to record, document and celebrate various aspects of these cultures before they are absorbed into the surrounding western culture. Our living history project exists to do this.
New Horizon has commissioned a professional writer to work on this project. Besides recipes we want to document traditional stories, songs, poems and dances, children’s games, new art forms such as African hairdressing and personal stories.
This cookbook is but the first taste.