If you have been living in a direct provision accommodation centre, you will have to leave that centre and move into other accommodation. This could be in social housing (public housing) or in private rented housing. If you were already living in private rented accommodation, your change of status will not affect your immediate housing situation.
If you find yourself homeless, there are agencies that provide services for homeless people. See the Citizens Information web page on housing.
Housing is a very difficult area and New Horizon is not a specialist in this area. We recommend that people work with the specialist housing charities listed below.
The steps are:
- Does you have refugee status or leave to remain? GNIB stamp 4? Without this it’s not possible to get subsidised housing.
- Register on the Local Authority Housing list. The Westmeath Co. Co housing list is on: https://www.westmeathcoco.ie/en/media/Social%20Housing%20Support.pdf
- Register with the following housing charities
- Peter McVerry housing trust https://pmvtrust.ie/ . PMV have a case worker that can work with you. They are regular visitors to DP sites.
- Sophia Housing https://www.sophia.ie/about
- Threshold Housing Trust https://www.threshold.ie/
- Check out housing adverts in the local papers
- Check out, and keep checking every week, the estate agents.
- Check out smaller towns and villages outside your immediate area. There may be better and cheaper accommodation there.