
Please look after this bear!

New Horizon -Athlone Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support has been in existence since the Direct Provision site opened in 2000.

We seek to assist those who seek asylum and refuge in our midst by welcoming them, caring for them and giving them guidance, advice and assistance during their stay.

  • To provide support to individuals and families who, having entered the country, become long-term residents.
  • To help the local community to recognise and value the
    riches the newcomers bring.
  • To work with the statutory and voluntary bodies in
    planning and implementing programmes to support new people who enter
    the country through the asylum process.
  • To keep ourselves informed of Government policy and to try
    to influence and/or initiate measures that are compassionate and
  • To encourage the formation and growth of community
    organisations within new communities
  • To encourage and facilitate participation in Irish life, through sporting and cultural organisations


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